Vestalis Concert Calendar

In 2023, I had a project: Breaking the Guinness world record for "Most concerts attended in one year". During that project it was clear that finding the best concerts is one of the hardest parts for me. Sometimes the artists social media were the only source to know where and when they are supporting another artists tour. That’s why I’ve made a calendar for my concerts on my record homepage and as people were telling me, that they would use my homepage as a source for concerts around Leipzig, Berlin and Dresden I thought I could continue that project even after the record. From time to time, I might add even more concerts and cities to it, but as there is a lot of manual work going on that might take time.

March 2025

If you know about more concerts or festivals and want to help me with the database, you can contact me. Any help is gladly appreciated, as it is a lot of work to maintain. Also, everyone with access to the database can benefit from a few additional functions, such as having a personal concert calendar, which can be synchronised with their smartphone. These functions might be available for the public later.

Photo of Markus

Contact Me

Or just join me on the next concert

Do not hesitate

Get in touch via e-mail or social media, all DMs are open for public. I do not care if you are just an individual or national tv broadcaster - I'll answer every friendly request. You can also suggest some concerts or share some content ideas with me! Record homepage

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